Senate Candidate Manny Sethi Wants American Companies in China to Come Back Home, Cites National Security Concerns


Tennessee U.S. Senate candidate Manny Sethi laid out a plan Wednesday that would help get American companies out of China.

“This Wuhan virus has exposed the truth: big business seeking big profits in China has left America vulnerable to an enemy who seeks to defeat America this century, Sethi said. “We cannot get our people the ventilators, the drugs, and the personal protection equipment (PPE) they need because we don’t make them in America anymore.”

“Our elites bought into the globalist lie that the most important things are profits and cheap goods, even if it meant getting them from an enemy who hates us, the Republican added. “That lie has been exposed by the Wuhan Virus. It’s time for America to rely on America. It’s time to bring our companies home and our jobs home. It’s not an economic issue anymore, it’s a national security crisis.”

The doctor turned politician’s plan includes, according to his press release:

  • Allow tax exemptions and low interest loans for companies that seek to move from China back to the United States; moving costs should be made tax deductible
  • Within 3 years hospital accreditation organizations should not accredit hospitals utilizing Chinese PPE
  • Within 3 years Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) should cease to reimburse any hospital/provider utilizing PPE not produced in the United States
  • Within 5 years CMS should cease to pay for any medications not produced within the United States
  • Support vocational education programs in schools across the United States to learn trade skills to produce PPE
  • Further revise burdensome regulations by Food and Drug Administration and others that make it difficult for these companies to repatriate

In the past, Sethi has also proposed America taking over its pharmaceutical products from the Chinese.

“Too many of the most commonly used medications in the United States are produced in China because big pharmaceutical companies care more about saving a dollar by using cheap labor than putting the safety of Americans first,” he said.

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Star News Digital Media. If you have any tips, email Zachery at [email protected].
Photo “Manny Sethi” by Oliviaknoll. CC BY-SA 4.0.




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One Thought to “Senate Candidate Manny Sethi Wants American Companies in China to Come Back Home, Cites National Security Concerns”

  1. Ron Welch

    “Too many of the most commonly used medications in the United States are produced in China because big pharmaceutical companies care more about saving a dollar by using cheap labor than putting the safety of Americans first,” Dr. Manny Sethi

    Yes! And that’s true of nutritional supplements like Vitamin C. Almost all Vitamin C is sourced from China and only a small amount from Scotland. And the nutritional aspect is probably the most important in protecting ourselves from viral infections and making their symptoms much milder if infected. Along with C, Vitamin D is critical along with minerals like magnesium and particularly zinc. Yet, the supposed health experts and officialdom say virtually NOTHING about this! They only tell us to follow the standard precautions, which is good, and to “shelter in place” or wait fir a vaccine which are often only partially effective and even dangerous to our health. They are even closing and policing open areas like beaches and parks where otherwise people could be out in HEALTHY fresh air and sunshine for Vitamin D. This is an outrageous omission based on abysmal ignorance–or worse!
